Unlocking the Potential: How ChatGPT is changing the game for Developers

Mohamed Illiyas
Tech Musings
Published in
6 min readJan 18, 2023


Exploring the capabilities and impact of the ChatGPT language model on the software development industry. The topic aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the capabilities and potential of ChatGPT to streamline coding tasks, increase productivity, and make coding more efficient.


The advent of ChatGPT has opened up new possibilities for developers and has the potential to enhance their coding experience. This guide will explore how ChatGPT can automate repetitive tasks, speed up the coding process, and improve code quality. This guide is designed to give developers a deeper understanding of the ChatGPT and how they can leverage it to improve their productivity and overall coding experience.

Let us start our day by coding with ChatGPT!

Code Completion

Developers can use ChatGPT to generate suggestions for code completion based on the context of the code they are writing. This can help to speed up the coding process and reduce the likelihood of errors.

I just wrote an incomplete piece of code and promoted ChatGPT to complete it for me.

Here I defined a python function and promoted ChatGPT to write the rest of the code to add that number and swap the digits of the result.

ChatGPT not only writes the code but also explains each line of code for easier understanding.

Code Generation:

Developers can also use ChatGPT to generate entire code snippets based on a prompt that describes the desired functionality. This can be especially useful for repetitive tasks, such as writing boilerplate code, or when working with unfamiliar programming languages or frameworks.

I prompted ChatGPT to write a python code by giving the description of the requirements.

There you go!

Code Debugging

ChatGPT can be used to generate a hypothesis of what is causing the bug and where it is located in the code. This can help to narrow down the search for the bug and make the debugging process more efficient.

1. Logical Debugging

ChatGPT can understand the context of the problem we are solving and it will help us in identifying the location of logical bugs inside our code.

I purposefully wrote a python code with the wrong logic for checking if the number is an Armstrong number or not. I wrote the code with a couple of errors in it and the powerful ChatGPT pinpointed it correctly.

Logical Debugging Example

2. Syntactical Debugging

ChatGPT can be used to suggest a correction for syntax errors in existing code.
I wrote a code for finding whether the given number is prime or not. Intentionally, I made some wrong indentations, added some unwanted colon inside the code, and removed some characters mandatorily needed for the code, and then our Code Friend(ChatGPT) figured it out correctly.

Here you go,

First, it found the syntactical errors in all the places and listed them down. Then it gives you the Error-Free Working code in the console. We can just copy-paste. Happy Coding!

3. Error Fixing

ChatGPT can be used for fixing the errors in our existing code by providing the error message.

I wrote a function for concatenating two strings. Intentionally, I concatenated a string with an integer. As python is a strongly and dynamically typed language, it is not possible in python. Obviously, it will pop an error and I prompted ChatGPT for an error explanation.

Function for concatenating two strings

This code will cause the below error.

Error for the above code

These are the results from ChatGPT.

It explains the error and root cause. If you give some more information about the code, it will exactly locate the error and give an optimal solution for us.

Code Refactoring

Code refactoring is the process of modifying existing code in order to improve its structure, readability, maintainability, or performance without changing its external behavior. It is a technique for improving the quality of existing code by making it easier to understand and modify. This can include things such as renaming variables and methods for better clarity, breaking down complex functions into smaller, more manageable chunks, and removing redundant or duplicate code. Code refactoring can also help to make code more efficient, by removing unnecessary steps or optimizing algorithms. The goal of code refactoring is to make the codebase more maintainable so that developers can more easily understand and modify it in the future.

Here’s an example of how ChatGPT could assist with code refactoring:

Original Code:

def calculate_total(prices):
total = 0
for price in prices:
total += price
return total

Refactored Code by ChatGPT:

def calculate_total(prices):
return sum(prices)

In this example, ChatGPT recognized that the original code uses a for loop to iterate through the prices list and add each price to a total variable. Instead, ChatGPT suggested using the built-in sum function to accomplish the same task more concisely. This refactored code is more readable and maintainable because it is shorter and uses a built-in function that is more widely understood by the developers.

ChatGPT will definitely help us in maintaining the code for complex problem statements and projects. So that developers can concentrate on the core difficulties of the projects without worrying about the code base and its readability.

ChatGPT can assist not only with Python Language, but you can also try various other languages like Javascript, HTML, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, and the list goes infinity….


In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful language model that is revolutionizing the way developers work. With its ability to understand and generate natural language, ChatGPT is able to assist with a wide range of tasks, from code generation to code refactoring. It can help developers to write more efficient and maintainable code, and can also assist with identifying and fixing bugs. Additionally, its ability to understand natural language makes it an ideal tool for automating documentation and other tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming for developers. As technology continues to evolve, ChatGPT is positioning itself as a game-changer in the software development world and unlocking the potential for developers to work more efficiently and effectively. With the help of ChatGPT, developers can focus on solving more complex problems and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with technology.

Start your coding journey with ChatGPT! Thank me later.

